
Halloween store


Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great day! Now, to talk about Halloween! It’s nearly here, and quarantine is worse than ever. So how are we supposed to trick or treat? Well, there are some options.


1. Wear gloves, and sanitize the candy

2. Buy candy for yourself

3. Don’t participate


Hope you enjoyed this post!


Pitt Bulls

What I notice is dog breeds. And there is one breed I like the most. Pit Bulls! I don’t get why people look at a face like this guy’s, and pass him by, just because of his breed! Most Pit Bulls are the sweetest dogs I have ever met! These dogs are so cute and sweet! And sadly, most of the Pit Bulls in shelters will never find a forever home. So stand with me and help these doggies! #savethepitbulls!!!!


‘Hamilton’ Took the world by storm in 2016 but has since then made a comeback since it came out on Disney+ on July 3. If I had to describe ‘Hamilton’ in four words, they would be “Disney just made millions” but seriously, this show is really good!  My personal fav is “Alexander Hamilton” I seriously recommend this movie. That’s all for now. To wrap this up.

here is my initial reaction. Wonderful, Creative, Adventurous, and Peggy 😂

Talk to you later,




Reversed Rescue

A husky (not bonsai)

Hi everyone! Today we are going to be diving deeper into a topic from my about me page. My fundraiser. My fundraiser is for Reverse Rescue, and I was hoping you all could help out. Reverse Rescue is a dog rescue in San Francisco, California. They specialize in help dogs with disabilities or high medical bills. Let me tell you about one of the dogs that have there.

His name is Bonsai. He has disability that causes him to have very little control over his legs and arms. He is doing much better and will be available for adoption when he is done with his treatment. And here is how you can help! Donate now at https://www.reversedrescue.com/   today! Thanks, Hannah